This creamy, smooth and delicious Coconut Yam Paste is bursting with coconut and yam flavour with a hint of sweetness and Pandan aroma. Traditionally, Teochew Orh Nee/ Yam Paste is made by cooking the yam with sugar and shallot oil, serve with candied ginkgo nuts or pumpkin paste. I personally like those served at the Chinese restaurant, a lighter texture, less oily and without the strong shallot oil smell. I preferred shallot oil in savoury dishes more than adding it to sweet desserts.
This is a simplified and healthier version that uses no oil and a minimal amount of sugar, and added coconut milk instead of shallot oil. This recipe is highly customizable, you can adjust the amount of sugar or replace coconut milk with shallot oil if you love the traditional Teochew Orh Nee. This recipe yields a small portion because I'm making it for myself, feel free to double the amount if you'd like to make more for the family.
300g Yam
2 Pandan Leaves
Water, add to 2 cups level
1/4 tsp Purple Sweet Potato Powder (optional natural colouring)
50g Coconut Milk
50g Sugar
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1. Pressure cook yam and pandan leaves for 10 minutes, quick pressure release.
2. Add the yam and the remaining ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth. When it's ready, serve warm with your favourite toppings. Watch the recipe video tutorial below for easy reference.
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