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Sunday, 30 November 2014

No Knead, No Bake...Steamed Bread 免揉免烤...蒸面包

No....they aren't Huat Kueh...they are BREAD! I made these last week when my mixer was out of order. 

No need to knead the dough, simple method and effortless. I was not in the mood of baking so I steamed the bread instead of bake in the oven. My second attempt, I air-fried with my Tefal Actifry. Yeah... really not in the mood of Click here for air-fry or bake bread recipe.

The steamed version looks super funny.....because I was too greedy to dump in too much dough into each cup, they rose so high that almost touch the lid of my steamer. But the texture was fine and soft....hmm... half bread half cake texture. Something light and for those who wants to make bread but don't have an oven, can give this a try... a very healthy steamed bread :)

Ingredients & Method:

Important Notes:

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75g Warm Water
10g Milk Powder 

1/2 tsp Yeast

1. Mix A together until the milk powder fully dissolved. 

2. Sprinkle yeast over (A). Set aside.

3. Mean while, prepare (B).

40g Castor Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
1 Kampong Egg (or 1/2 of a large egg)
30g Unsalted Butter (softened)

150g Bread Flour

4. Add (B) into (A). Stir to combine.

5. Add in bread flour and stir with a pair of chopsticks in one direction until smooth.

6. Transfer the dough to a container. Cover and keep in the fridge over night.

7. This is how it looks like, the next day...

8. The dough is sticky and soft. Use a spoon to scoop out and place into a paper cup. Repeat for the rest. Let it proof 60- 75 minutes.

9. Steam 15 minutes in a hot steamer. **Don't put too full in each cup if you don't want your steamed bread looks like Huat Kueh. lol....

Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Anna Chong

Friday, 28 November 2014

My HOME Soy Milk, Chocolate Flavor 自制豆奶巧克力味

Ingredients: (best serve chilled)

Important Notes:

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2 cups Homemade Soy Milk (click here for recipe)
Rock Sugar, add to taste 
1 tbsp Cocoa Powder

1. Bring soy milk to boil. Add rock sugar to taste. Stir in cocoa powder until fully dissolved. 

2. Remove from heat. Let it cooled completely and keep in the fridge. Serve chilled.

Homemade Soy Milk/ Soya Milk 自制豆奶 [原味]

Soy milk is dairy-free plant-based milk that you can easily make at home. Starts with soaking the soybeans, then blends along with water, filter out the remaining particulates, and boil before consuming. This preservative-free and additive-free homemade soy milk is great for drinking, making egg tofu/ beancurd,  soy milk pudding and many more...

Easy Homemade Soy Milk
Healthy plant-based milk that is suitable for kids.

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140g Soybean, soaked



Rock Sugar, add to taste

2pcs Pandan Leaf 

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1. Add the 
soaked soybeans into a blender, add water to 600ml level. 

2. Blend for 1 minute. 

3. When it's ready, pour through a strainer. 

Note: do not add sugar and pandan leaf if using soy milk to make tofu/ beancurd.
4. Transfer the soy milk into a cooking pot, boil with pandan leaves and sugar, if using. Serve warm or chilled.若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed. 

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Christmas Theme Sail Boat Jelly 圣诞帆船果冻

Not sharing recipe, just sharing something that we've done and it's fun. Another dessert made by my 5 year old. Just the jelly, NOT the orange sail boat lol.... It's really not easy to dig the flesh out from the oranges. This is not my idea, it's one of the CBeebies 'I Can Cook' show foodie. My boy watched it and again wrote down the recipe... This time, his 'recipe' is clearer compared to the Carrot & Pumpkin Cookie recipe. Can you read this?

1. You need oranges and grapes
2. Cut grape into half
3. Put grapes into orange sail boat
4. Need to prepare a JUG with water (he draw the jug)
5. Need some Gelatin
6. Mix gelatin with water
7. Pour into the orange sail boat
8. He forgot what he draw.
9. Put the orange sail boat in muffin pan and get a grown up to keep it in the fridge!
10. Make and put the mast.
Frankly, I can't read this....he explained to me and I wrote it down here as a piece of memory that is PRECIOUS to me and my boy :)

Ingredients: (Yield 2), recipe adapted from CBeebies website

6 seedless Grapes
1 Orange, cut in half, flesh removed, skin shell reserved 
50ml Warm Water
1 tsp Gelatin
100 ml Orange Juice (I used apple juice)

Cut grape into half

Put the grapes in the orange shell

Add gelatin in warm water

Stir until the gelatin fully dissolved.


Mix gelatin mixture with fruit juice. Pour evenly into both orange shells.


Keep in a container and store in the fridge until it set. I leave it overnight in the fridge.
7. Decorate as desired.... My boy did his cute version Jolly Roger lol... The christmas tree done by me, I just stick everything that he cut out from his Jolly Roger on my christmas tree... :) Simple and fun activity with kid. 

Homemade Egg Bean Curd/ Tofu 自制蛋豆腐

Homemade Egg Tofu/ bean curd
Photo updated 29 March 2017

Homemade Egg Bean Curd/ Tofu - Made with soy milk and egg, nutritious and delicious. 

Serving idea: To create a homely meal (without deep frying), add oyster sauce minced meat toppings to pair with rice. Love this! 

Ingredients: 材料

275ml Fresh Soy Milk (no sugar) 无糖豆奶 275克
(homemade soy milk or buy from market, not those tetra pak packed soy milk)

3 Egg (lightly beaten) 鸡蛋 3粒

1/8 tsp Salt 盐 1/8小匙

1 tsp sugar 糖 1小匙

It's soft and fragile, handle with extra care...

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Method: 步骤

1. Add salt and sugar to soy milk, mix well.

2. Use a pair of chopsticks, mix soy milk and beaten egg until combined. 

3. Strain the egg mixture.

4. Steam for 5 minutes. 蒸5分钟即可。该怎么配搭才好吃呢?下面有个提议。。

Before .... 蒸之前

After steamed. Silky smooth! 蒸好了!

Updated 1 April 2015

Photo updated 1 April 2015, I'm not good in handling/ slicing bean curd.
So, leave the bean curd alone in the dish and topped with minced meat is the best way for me, instead of slicing and frying. 

Updated 1 April 2015, Healthier and tastier!
This time, I used slightly sweet soy bean milk, omit the sugar.
Sweet in taste to pair with the savory minced meat toppings. Superb!
提议这个配搭:香炒耗油虾米肉碎配自制蛋豆腐  (上图),豆腐带少许甜味,配上惹味的虾米肉碎,配饭,简直是无敌。

Steamed Egg Bean Curd With Minced Meat & Dried Shrimps recipe >> Click here


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Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe: 

By Agnes

By Ling Hui Phang, Agnes
By Li Meng Tan 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Easy Homemade Pork Floss, cooked in skillet 自制猪肉松,只用平底锅

My dad used the leftover meat from the soup to make pork floss all the time. He bakes bread 2-3 times a week and he used the pork floss as fillings. My boy loves grandpa's homemade pork floss bread and I know I'm gonna learn this someday. 

Here comes my experiment on pork floss making. This pork floss recipe is less sweet compared to the store-bought pork floss. I try not to add so much sugar because it's made for my little boy. I customized this taste to go with sweet bread and porridge. If you happened to read my blog here and would like to try this recipe, do adjust the taste to your personal preference. 

If you are curious to know how I made up the ingredients, see here:

I made my version of pork floss based on this... I have 2 recipes here, one is less sweet that I make to pair with porridge and the improved version tastes more like the store-bought pork floss. 
The pork floss filled in this container is not store-bought :)

The improved version, updated on 27 December 2014



300g Meat (boneless) 

Note: I reserved the meat from the soup bones. Right after the soup bones are cooled, use a small fork to remove the meat and keep it in a freezer-safe container. Store in the freezer and accumulate the meat (up to a week). Alternatively, you can use fresh meat, boiled and make the pork floss.


45g Sugar 

30g Fish Sauce 

15g Light Soy Sauce 

24g Water 

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1. Add seasoning to the meat. Mix well. 

At this stage, the meat should smell good and you can taste it and adjust your seasoning to taste. If it doesn't smell good, discard the meat immediately. I do not responsible for any food poisoning cases. :)
2. Cover with cling wrap and let it marinate for 30 minutes. 

3. Heat a nonstick pan, low - medium heat. Cook the marinated meat, stir constantly until dry and fluffy. About 30 minutes. 

Just started to cook...

After 10 minutes...

After 20 minutes... adjust to very low heat when the meat started to dry up.

The last few minutes...
4. Remove from heat. Spread on a baking pan and let it cool. If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow my Facebook page to receive more recipe updates. 

Updated 27 December 2014

I visited my dad last week and got some very useful advice from him. Here's my revised and improved version of pork floss using a cast iron pan. This can be cooked in a wok. This version is less salty and sweeter in taste, crisper and has no soup smells at all. The good thing is...I can use the leftover meat from any soup :)




230g Meat (boneless, rinse and drain/ squeeze to remove the smell from the soup)
煮熟的肉 230克,冲一冲水,挤干

Seasoning: 调味料

4 tbsp Sugar 
细砂糖 4汤匙

2 tbsp Fish Sauce 
鱼露 2汤匙

1tbsp Light Soy Sauce (optional, omit this if cooking for young children/ elderly)
酱油 1汤匙,喜欢少咸的可以不放

1tbsp Water 
水 1汤匙

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Method same as above, but use a cast iron pan and wooden food turner.

1. 把所有调味料搅拌均匀。

2. 加入已处理好的肉,混合均匀。盖上,腌30分钟。

3. 放进平底锅,小火炒大概30分钟或至干。即可。若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。

If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow my Facebook page to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. Enjoy!

After 30 minutes, it's dry and crisp. 

Photo updated 22 April 2015 Looks pale in colour? Nope, just different lighting in the kitchen. :) 

Updated 14 January 2015

The last batch of pork floss that I made was kept in a container and stored in the freezer for about 3 weeks.  Still taste good! I warm it in the skillet and topped on a toast. 

The texture? Crisp and MELT IN MOUTH! 

Photo updated 20 May 2015  
Another batch of melt-in-mouth pork floss

若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed. 

Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Cindy Seng

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