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Thursday, 31 October 2019

Stuart Minion Halloween Bento 小小兵/小黄人万圣节便当

BOO! Today is Halloween day, I made this rice based Stuart Minion Halloween Theme Bento for my boy. Stuart minion is made of pumpkin rice and seaweed. Side dishes are my boy's favourite homemade chicken nuggets, crab stick egg rolls and veggies. 

Here are some quick notes to show how I put this together:

中文翻译:可在网页的右边点击Translate, 然后选择中文翻译

1. Soak 70g sushi rice for 30 minutes, drain. Add 100g water and a slice of pumpkin, cover with lid and bring to boil, reduce to low heat, simmer for 10 minutes, let it sit for 10 minutes. Mash the pumpkin and mix with a small portion of rice.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the side dishes:

< Crispy Chicken Nuggets Recipe > 点击链接进入《香脆鸡柳食谱》

< Crab Stick & Spring Onion Egg Roll/ Rolled Omelette Recipe > 点击链接进入《香葱蟹柳蛋卷食谱》

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3. Shape pumpkin rice into Minion, fill the remaining rice into bento box.

4. Assemble bento...

Thanks for reading, I hope you are inspired after reading my blog. If you love to see my food, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. 


Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Easy Meatball Recipe 自制肉丸食谱

This is the basic recipe to make tender and juicy meatball. These delicious meatballs are extremely easy to make. 

Homemade Honey Glazed Meatball, topped with toasted sesame seeds.

This 2-steps recipe is versatile, one can customise and adjust the taste to suit any cooking such as Western style meatball in thick gravy, meatball spaghetti, Japanese style meatballs on skewer or Chinese style meatball dishes to pair with rice or noodles, etc... 

Ingredients: yield 18 meatballs

150g Ground Beef 牛肉碎 150克

50g Ground Pork 猪肉碎 50克

1 tsp Potato Starch 马铃薯粉 1小匙

1/2 tsp Ground Coriander Seeds 芫荽粉 1/2小匙

1/4 tsp Salt 盐 1/4 小匙

Dash of White Pepper 胡椒粉 少许

1 tsp Olive Oil/ Sesame Oil 麻油/ 橄榄油 1小匙

1/4 tsp Sugar 细砂糖 1/4小匙

1 tsp Sake 日式清酒 1小匙

1 Egg White 蛋白 1粒

15g Bread Crumbs/ Panko 面包糠 15克

*30g White Onion, finely chopped (more aromatic) 白洋葱 30克,切碎

and/ or 或

*1-2 tbsp Grated Carrot (the smell is less pungent, kids preferred this version) 红萝卜碎 1-2汤匙

*Optional 随意

My kid doesn't like carrot, so I usually add finely shredded carrot in the meatball and he loves it this way. If you have picky eater at home, do give this a try ;)

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1. Mix all ingredients in one direction till gooey. 

2. Roll into balls and pan fry/ deep fried till cooked through. The meatball can be served right away, used in cooking other dishes, glazed with sauce or added in baked rice, pasta etc...
If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. 


Friday, 25 October 2019

Good Chance Signature DIY Popiah Party Box

We enjoy wrapping and eating popiah but the process of preparing the fillings and condiments at home is tedious... 

Recently, I have tried this DIY Popiah Party box from Good Chance Restaurant. It comes in a box with literally everything that everyone can enjoy this delicious traditional Hokkien popiah at the comfort of our home. It's also good for office parties, house warming gift, home gatherings etc.... 

I love the packaging concept complete with instructions for the art of folding popiah. Here's a quick video to show what's in Good Chance Signature DIY Popiah Party Box...

Good Chance Signature DIY Popiah Party Box of 15 rolls. 
Now $48.80 per box (Usual $58.80)

In collaboration with Good Chance Restaurant, Miki's Food Archives followers can now enjoy the following discounts by using our promo code:

👉 Use Promo Code: MFA88 to get $8.80 off for minimum purchase of 2 boxes of Popiah Party Box.

👉 Use Promo Code: MFA10 to get 10% off all online orders from Good Chance Restaurant (delivery menu except Popiah Party Box) 
Order online:

Promo code discount valid from now till 30 November 2019.

Popiah Party Box delivery: Island wide 1 hour delivery daily from 11:00am - 9:30pm. 

For enquiries/ order, drop a WhatsApp text or call +65 8823 6363 

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Jack-O-Lantern Halloween Bento 万圣节南瓜便当

Rice Based Bento ~ Jack-O-Lantern Halloween Bento 万圣节南瓜便当.

Halloween is nearing..... I made this not-scary-at-all Jack-O-Lantern bento for my boy. The bento filled with meat patties, veggies and pumpkin rice wrapped with egg sheet. A simple, nutritious and delicious lunchbox that kids would love!

Here are some quick notes to show how I put this together:

中文翻译:可在网页的右边点击Translate, 然后选择中文翻译

1. Soak 70g sushi rice for 30 minutes, drain. Add 100g water and a slice of pumpkin, cover with lid and bring to boil, reduce to low heat, simmer for 10 minutes, let it sit for 10 minutes. Mash the pumpkin to mix with rice, mix in some furikake/ rice topping if desired.

2. Meanwhile, prepare meat patties following this recipe:

< Sweet & Savoury Pineapple Meatball Recipe > 点击链接进入《凤梨茄汁肉丸食谱》

I made the meat ball into meat patties and pan fried. With minimal gravy as I need to pack this in bento. 

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3. Make Jack-O-Lantern face details using seaweed. 

4. Assemble bento...

Thanks for reading, I hope you are inspired after reading my blog. If you love to see my food, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. 


Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Paper Wrapped Chicken (Air-Fryer/ Oven Baked) 纸包鸡(免油炸)

Paper Wrapped Chicken is an old school dish usually deep fried in hot oil, it's commonly known as 'Chee Pao Gai 纸包鸡" in Cantonese. The first time I tasted this dish was in the 80's, that was also the first time my mom cooked this for our family. As a kid, I find it interesting and fun to unwrap the chicken parcel. 

When I started cooking for my kid, I like to make food more interesting so my kid would look forward for meal time. Therefore, I started with Pandan Wrapped Chicken, Chicken Skewer and this... Paper Wrapped Chicken. The meat wrapped in paper could keep the moisture of the chicken, yield succulent and super tasty chicken meat. 

My version of paper wrapped chicken is super easy as I don't want to go through the deep frying process with oil splattering around my kitchen, so I usually bake this in an oven or air fryer. It's non-greasy and the result is as good as the deep fried version. ;)

Paper Wrapped Chicken Drumstick, cooked this together with the sweet corn, serving along with Korean spicy cucumber and cherry tomatoes. A simple yet yummy quick meal.
Photo updated: August 2022

Ingredients: 材料

2 Chicken Leg, cut into half 鸡腿 2只(大概260克,切半)
(I use Kampong chicken legs, total weight: 260g)

Handful of Spring Onion, cut into 3 inches length) 青葱 适量


1 tbsp Oyster Sauce 蚝油 1汤匙

1 tbsp Abalone Sauce 鲍鱼酱 1汤匙 
(Can be replaced with oyster sauce + sugar 没有鲍鱼酱,也可以用蚝油+细砂糖调味)

1/2 tbsp Light Soy Sauce 酱油 1/2汤匙

1/2 tsp Ginger Juice 姜汁 1/2 小匙

1 Shallot (grated) 小葱头 1粒,磨成泥状

1/2 tsp Sesame Oil 麻油 1/2 小匙

1 tbsp Shao Xing Hua Tiao Cooking Wine 绍兴花雕酒 1汤匙

A dash of White Pepper 胡椒粉 少许

1/2 tsp Corn Flour 玉米粉/粟粉 1/2小匙

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Method: 步骤

1. Mix (A) ingredients in a bowl, add in chicken. Coat well, cover and let marinate at least 6 hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

2. Bring chicken to room temperature. 

3. Place a piece of chicken (with marinade) and some spring onion on baking paper. Fold and wrap the chicken. Repeat for the rest.

Place the chicken parcel on a baking tray, if using oven

 These pictures were taken when I was cooking for one, baking the chicken drumstick together with the sweet corn. You can always make a larger batch, it's so easy to prepare with minimal clean-up afterwards! 

4. Bake in a preheated oven 200'C for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and serve warm. Alternatively, this can be deep fried in hot oil or bake in an air-fryer 180'C 25 minutes.
放进已预热的烤箱,以200度烘烤30分钟或至熟,即可。家里没有烤箱的话,也可以油炸或气炸。若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed. 

Friday, 18 October 2019

Chicken Katsu aka Japanese Fried Chicken Cutlet 日式炸鸡排

A simple Chicken Katsu recipe that can be easily prepared at home. Chicken Katsu is generally served with Tonkatsu sauce or curry with rice.

This recipe is similar to my Crispy Chicken Nuggets recipe , added some sake and garlic powder to elevate the taste. In this blog post, I'm sharing the deep fried version. Although it's deep fried, as long as it's fried at the right temperature, the chicken is crispy on the outside and succulent/ juicy in the inside, it's not oily at all. However, if you're health conscious, you can air fry or bake this in an oven.

Ingredients: yield 2 servings

180g Boneless Chicken Thigh/ Leg/ Breast 去骨鸡肉 180克,切成两片
(skin and fat removed, cut into 2)

1 Egg, lightly beaten 鸡蛋 1粒,打撒

30g Bread Crumbs/ Panko 面包糠 30克

Some All Purpose Flour for coating 中筋面粉 适量

Some oill for deep frying 油 适量

Seasoning: 调味料

1/2 tsp Corn Flour 玉米粉/粟粉 1/2小匙

1/2 tsp Sake 日本清酒 1/2小匙

1/4 tsp Salt 盐 1/4小匙

Dash of White Pepper 胡椒粉 少许

1/4 tsp Garlic Powder (optional) 蒜粉 1/4小匙(家里没有的话,可省略)

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Method: 步骤

1. Wash and pat dry chicken with kitchen towel. Place chicken in a bowl, add in seasoning, mix well. Cover with cling wrap and let marinate for 1 hour or it can be prepared ahead of time and chilled overnight in the fridge.

2. Return the meat to room temperature. Coat with flour, then dip in beaten egg and coat with bread crumbs. 

3. Heat oil to 170'C, deep fry till golden brown and cooked through. Transfer to a wire rack to remove excess oil. Cut and serve with Tonkatsu sauce along with rice and veggies for a complete meal.
If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. 


Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Cute Kitty Cat Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bento 日式照烧鸡饭/ 猫咪便当.

Rice Based Bento ~ Kitty Cat Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bento 日式照烧鸡饭/ 猫咪便当.

This is very similar to the kitty cat bento that I've created for Ayam Brand Bento Campaign in September 2019. I have made a video tutorial to show how to shape kitty cat rice ball, click here to watch the video or visit and follow mfa_dingoozatfood Instagram to watch the full video. 

Here are some quick notes to show how I put this together:

中文翻译:可在网页的右边点击Translate, 然后选择中文翻译

1. Soak 70g sushi rice for 30 minutes, drain. Add 100g water, cover with lid and bring to boil, reduce to low heat, simmer for 10 minutes, let it sit for 10 minutes. 

2. Meanwhile, roast the chicken following this recipe:

< Teriyaki Chicken Recipe > 点击链接进入《日式照烧鸡食谱》

3. Prepare egg roll using this recipe:

< Crabstick Rolled Omelette/ Egg Roll Recipe > 点击进入《蟹柳蛋卷食谱》

If you are sharing this recipe/ blog content, kindly attach the link to this blog instead of screen capture/ copy & paste/ use in your blog. No parts of the content of this blog may be reproduced without prior written permission. All rights reserved. Thank you. 如果您要分享此食谱/内容,请联系这个部落格的相关链接。敬请不要复制或改篇为自己的食谱。谢谢!

4. Portion out some rice to make kitty cat rice ball, add the remaining in bento box.

5. Assemble bento...

Thanks for reading, I hope you are inspired after reading my blog. If you love to see my food, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. 

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