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Friday, 30 January 2015

Dingoozat's Ants On The Log - Honey Baked Ham Cheesy Egg Roll 芝士火腿蛋卷

I named this Ants On The Log... Aren't the sesame seeds looks like ants? Got it? lol..

It's so hard to get my boy to eat his breakfast in the morning. So I got to think of something that is 'bright in color' to tempt him. This is similar to the Seaweed Egg Roll that I made for him few months back. I like to make egg rolls for breakfast because it's so easy and nutritious. You may want to see other egg roll recipes:

Seaweed Egg Roll (Korean Egg Roll 'Cheat Version')

Seaweed & Ham Cheesy Egg Roll 

Ingredients: Yield 2 servings for small eater :)

2 Eggs

1 tbsp Fresh Milk

2 Honey Baked Ham

2 slices of Cheese  (cut into 2)

Some oil for cooking

Roasted Sesame Seeds

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1. Add milk to egg, lightly whisk with a pair of chopsticks.

2. Heat oil in a skillet, cook the ham. This step is optional if you use cooked ham. However, I prefer not to give him 'cold' ham in the morning. 

3. Transfer the ham to a plate. Pour the egg mixture onto the pan (i use non stick pan). When the egg is about to cook through, flip over.

4. Turn off the heat and continue to cook with the remaining heat. Place 2 cheese in the middle.

5. Place the ham and the cheese on top.

6. Roll up. 

7. Add toppings, cut and serve warm. 

Dingoozat's Seaweed & Ham Cheesy Egg Roll 海苔火腿芝士蛋卷

Son has been asking me ' Mommy why you didn't add seaweed in my egg roll?'..Well, probably he miss the Seaweed Egg Roll  that I made for him few months back. Alright, here's the special version specially made for him. All ingredients used were upon his special request! Weird combination but taste good! 

Ingredients: Yield 2 servings for small eater :)

2 Eggs

1 tbsp Fresh Milk

2 Honey Baked Ham

1 slice of Cheese  (cut into 2)

1 Roasted Seaweed

Some oil for cooking

Roasted Sesame Seeds
Crispy Chicken Floss

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1. Add milk to egg, lightly whisk with a pair of chopsticks.

2. Heat oil in a skillet, cook the ham. This step is optional if you use cooked ham. However, I prefer not to give him 'cold' ham in the morning. 

3. Transfer the ham to a plate. Pour the egg mixture onto the pan (i use non stick pan). When the egg is about to cook through, flip over.

4. Turn off the heat and continue to cook with the remaining heat. Layer with the seaweed.

5. Place the ham and the cheese on top.

6. Roll up. 

7. Add toppings, cut and serve warm. 

Homemade Almond Milk 自制鲜杏仁奶 [Dairy-free Plant-based Milk]

Almond milk is dairy-free plant-based milk that you can easily make at home. It is super simple, starts with soaking the almonds overnight, then drained out and the almonds are added to a blender along with water, and/ or with additional flavours such as sweetness from honey/ agave and vanilla. 

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1 Cup Raw Almond 

2 Cup Water


Vanilla Extract and Honey/ Agave, add to taste

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1. Wash and soak the almond overnight.

2. Drain. Add the almond and water into the blender, blend for 1 minute.

3. When ready, pour through a strainer and the almond milk is ready! You may add some honey or agave if you want it sweet or add vanilla extract for flavor. Taste best when served chilled.
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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Stir-fry Vegetable & Pork/ Chicken with Sweet Pineapple Sauce 韩式凤梨酱炒杂菜肉片

This is a simple stir fry with simple seasoning. I love this Korean BBQ Pineapple Sauce because the pineapple puree in the sauce helps to tenderize the meat. So no worries of coarse meat! My boy and I can easily finish a big bowl of rice with just one dish! Superb!


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Pork or chicken (thinly sliced)
Some vegetables (any kind of your preference)
Garlic (chopped/ sliced)
Ginger (chopped/ sliced)

Korean BBQ Pineapple Sauce
Soy Sauce (optional, only add this for large portion of vegetables)
White Pepper
Corn Flour

1. Season the meat with Korean BBQ Sauce. Marinate for 20 minutes.
2. Heat oil in a skillet. Add garlic and ginger, fry until fragrant.

3. Add in pork/ chicken slices, reserved the sauce. Stir fry until the pork almost cooked. Add in vegetables and stir fry until no more sizzling sound.

4. Add in the reserved sauce, with a little water if needed. Add a dash of white pepper and soy sauce to taste. Simmer until the vegetables are cooked. Mix some water with corn flour, stir in the corn starch and mix well. Remove from heat and serve warm with steamed rice. 

This is another version that I cooked to pair with cold soba.

Asian Pear Chicken Soup - improve skin complexion & nourish the lungs 雪梨鸡汤 - 养颜润肺的养生汤

I don't like to add pears or apples in my soup because I don't like the slightly sour or acidic taste in the soup. But today, I tried again with pears and chicken with some ginger slices. The taste is totally different with the ginger slices. You won't taste the ginger either but it neutralize the sour taste of the pear. This soup tastes superb! 

This will be the soup that I will cook again and again. Loves the natural sweetness from the pear and wolfberry. 

Ingredients: (Yield 2-3 servings)

1 Kampung Chicken Bones or Pork Bones
2 Large Pears /  3 Small Pears (peeled and cut into big chunks)

Can use any asian pears 

5 Seedless Red Dates
2 Slices of Ginger

Handful of wolfberry 
Some salt to taste

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1. Rinse chicken with hot boiling water. Discard water and transfer chicken into a pot. Add in all ingredients except wolfberry and salt.

2. Add 1.5 litre of hot water. Cook in high heat for 30 minutes. 

3. Reduce to low heat, cook another 60 minutes. 

4. Add salt to taste, cook another 25 minutes. 

5. Add wolfberry and cook another 5 minutes. Serve warm.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Water Chestnut Lotus Root Spare Ribs Soup 莲藕马蹄排骨汤 - 清淡甘甜,清润舒喉

Another nourishing soup that is good for the family. Added some water chestnut helps to relieve throat discomfort. The soup is sweet in taste..nope, I didn't add sugar! it's the natural sweetness of the water chestnut. :)

Ingredients: (Yield 2-3 Servings)
250g Pork Ribs
1 Large Lotus Root (cut into big chunk)
About 8 Water Chestnut (peeled and cut into half)
4 Seedless Red Dates

Some Salt to taste 

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1. Rinse pork ribs with hot boiling water. Discard the water. Transfer the ribs into a pot.
2. Add in all other ingredients (except salt). 

3. Add 1.5 litre of hot water. Cook in high heat for 30 minutes. Reduce to low heat, cook for 60 minutes. Add salt to taste. Cook another 30 minutes. Serve warm.

Sugarcane & Water Chestnut Refreshing Drink 马蹄竹蔗水 - 清热润肺,下火去燥

Sugarcane & Water Chestnut Refreshing Drink - ideal for cooling body heat and nourish the lungs  马蹄竹蔗水 - 清热润肺,下火去燥

My mom used to cook this with additional fresh sugar cane and she used the whole water chestnut without peeling off the skin. Just smashed and cook. I like to eat the cooked water chestnut but I find it hard to peel after cooked, so my version is to use peeled water chestnut. ;)

Ingredients: (Yield 2 servings)

1 pack of Sugar Cane (ready mix)

8 Water Chestnut 

4 sections Fresh Sugarcane (optional, washed and cut)

1.5 litre Hot Water

Some Rock Sugar to taste

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1. Wash sugarcanes and other ingredients in the packet. Soak the sugar cane for 5-10 minutes in clean water.

Cooked in conventional pot.

Cooked in a rice cooker.

2. Drain and transfer to a pot. Add in water chestnut, fresh sugarcanes and water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium. Cook for 1 hour. Add rock sugar to taste. Cook another 20 minutes. Serve warm or chilled.

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Monday, 26 January 2015

Steamed Chicken with Soy Sauce 酱油蒸滑鸡

Steamed chicken is our all times favorite! Healthy and easy, my boy likes all kinds of steamed chicken dishes. This is one of it that I cook to pair with Hainanese Chicken Rice. 

Hainanese Chicken Rice
For Hainanese Chicken Rice recipe, click here.


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Chicken Leg (or any part, cleaned and dry)
Some salt to taste

Soy sauce
Sesame Oil
Small Onion

Spring Onion 


1. Rub some salt on the chicken. Steam in a hot steamer for 15 minutes or until 'just cooked'. Do not overcooked the chicken or else the meat will turn hard. 
2. Heat oil in a skillet, fry small onion until brown and crisp. Drain, reserve the oil in the skillet.
3. Mix soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. Heat up in the skillet with the reserved oil and remove from heat. Pour the sauce over the steamed chicken. Topped with fried onion and spring onion. Serve immediately with steamed chicken rice or plain rice.

Simply Delicious Hainanese Chicken Rice 美味海南鸡饭

I learnt this from my mom. Of course, mine is the simplified version. :) My chicken rice served with Steamed Chicken, the simplest method. 

Steamed Chicken

For steamed chicken recipe, click here.

Ingredients for the fragrant rice:

1 Kampong Chicken Bones

Just bones, nothing else :)
Spring Onion
Small Onion


Pandan Leaves (optional)

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1. Rinse chicken bones with hot water. Transfer to a pot, add lemongrass and hot boiling water. Cook for 40 minutes. Discard bones, reserve the soup.
2. Heat oil in a skillet, fry garlic, ginger and small onion. 

3. Cook until the garlic turn light brown. Add in chicken soup and salt. 

4. Transfer chicken soup mixture to a steaming container or rice cooker. Add pandan leaves if using.

5. Steam in a hot steamer for 40 minutes or cook in a rice cooker.

6. Discard ginger slices. Stir in chopped spring onion. Serve warm with steamed chicken.

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