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Friday, 11 March 2022

Easy Sambal Sardine Puff 沙丁鱼千层酥/ 酥皮沙丁鱼派【简易、零难度做法】

This is super easy to prepare using canned sardine and frozen paratha, it tastes good and is great for a quick-fix breakfast, light meal, or snack any time of the day! It can be baked in an oven or air-fryer.


Frozen Paratha

1 small can of Sardines 

1 tbsp Sambal Chili

(alternatively, this can be replaced with some chopped shallots, chili, salt, and pepper add to taste)

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Mash the sardine and mix well with sambal chilli. 

2. Wrap in filling and air-fry 180'C 8 minutes or until golden and crisp. 
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Korean Spicy Cucumber Salad 韩式小菜|凉拌黄瓜

This crunchy cucumber salad is super easy to prepare, it's great to serve as a side dish to add delicious spiciness to any meal.

Serving my homemade spicy cucumber salad with Air-fried Turmeric Chicken and otah-otah


250g Cucumber 

1 tsp Salt 

Salad Dressing: 

4 tsp Korean Chilli Paste/ Gochujang 

1 tbsp Roasted Sesame Seeds

*1 1/2 tbsp Sugar

3 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

1 tsp Sesame Oil

*Note: I like my salad to have a tad of sweet taste, do adjust the seasoning to your own preferences. 

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Method: 步骤

1. Combine salt and cucumber, let it sit for 10 minutes, discard the excess liquid.

2. Mix the cucumber with salad dressing, serve right away or chill before serving.  
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Sunday, 6 March 2022

Snow Fungus & Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup 银耳莲子羹 [滋阴润肺、养颜美容等功效]

This delectable Snow Fungus & Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup, aka Lian Zhi Geng 莲子羹 is an old-fashioned Chinese sweet soup that my mom used to cook for us. It tastes good when served warm and it's cooling and refreshing when served chilled. The conventional/ stovetop method usually takes at least 2 hours of slow simmering to soften the lotus seeds. In this blog post, I'm sharing a quick and easy method using a pressure cooker. No need to stand by the kitchen to "watch fire" 不需要看火. :D  The result is satisfying, with the right texture and consistency that I like! 


90g Lotus Seeds

(soaked overnight in hot water or use fresh lotus seeds)

110g Dried White Fungus, soaked and torn into smaller pieces

8 Red Dates

20g Dried Longan

Rock Sugar, add to taste

Water, 10 cups level

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1. Add the first 3 ingredients and water to the pot.

2. Close the pressure lid, seal. Set Pressure Cook (HI)for 20 minutes.

3. After natural pressure release, bring to a boil, add in the remaining ingredients, cook for 10 minutes. Serve warm or chilled.
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Friday, 4 March 2022

Easy Mala Xiang Guo aka Sichuan Spicy Stir-fry 麻辣香锅【家常简易食谱】

Mala Xiang Guo aka Sichuan Spicy Stir-fry is strongly flavored with Mala spices stir-frying with assorted meat, vegetables, noodles etc... Sharing here is an easy method that I normally do using store-bought Mala sauce, it's simple and tasty! This is a less-spicy recipe, if you like it more spicy, feel free to add more dried chilies. ;)


100g Pork Belly

6 Shrimps 

2 Fish Cake

1/2 section Lotus Root

1 Carrot

5 Button Mushroom

1 Onion

6 Dried Chili

6 cloves Garlic

6 slices Ginger 

100g Mala Paste

Handful of Coriander 

Some oil for cooking 

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1. Blanch lotus root and carrot, set aside. Add oil in the wok, turn on medium heat. Stir fry onion, ginger, and garlic until fragrant, add in pork belly, stir fry until half cooked, stir in dried chili, mushroom, and shrimps. 

I cooked this dish using Song Cho stainless steel wok, a multiply stainless steel wok without chemical coating, it's safe to use in any cooking including deep-frying. 
For more information about the product, visit Song Cho e-shop for details.

2. When the pork and shrimps are cooked, stir in fish cake and Mala sauce. Add carrot and lotus root, mix well. Garnish with coriander, serve right away.  

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Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Mango Coconut Milk Jelly 芒果椰奶冻

A delicious and refreshing jelly combining mango and pandan-infused coconut milk, this is definitely a crowd-pleasing dessert!


200g Coconut Milk 椰奶 200克

300g Fresh Milk 鲜奶 300克

500g Water 水 500克

10g (1pkt) Konnyaku Jelly Powder 蒟蒻果冻粉 10克

200g Sugar 细砂糖 200克

5 Pandan Leaves 班兰叶 5片

1/2 Mango, cut into cubes

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Method: 步骤

1. In a bowl, mix sugar and Konnyaku jelly powder. 

2. Heat up water and pandan leaves until fragrant. Add in coconut milk and fresh milk. Gradually stir in (1).

3. Continue stirring. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat and constantly stir till the jelly powder is fully dissolved.

4. Place mangoes and the jelly mixture into jelly mould/ cups/ tray. Let it cool, cover and keep in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Serve chilled.
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By readers: Feedback from those who have tried this recipe

By Oo Phaik Lay

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