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Monday, 25 April 2016

Steamed Chicken With Chinese Herbs 简易药材蒸鸡

An old recipe of mine was adapted from here. Unlike the steamed herbal chicken served in the restaurant, this home-cooked recipe is rather mild and sweet in taste. Kids will definitely love this! 


2 Chicken Leg (I use free-range/ kampong chicken leg with skin) 鸡腿 2只

*2 inches long Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen) 党参 2寸

*1 small slice Angelica (Dang Gui) 当归1小片

*4 Seedless Red Dates 红枣4粒(去心)

*1/2 tbsp Wolfberries 枸杞子 半汤匙

*1/2 tbsp Yu Zhu 玉竹 半汤匙

3/4 tsp Salt 盐 3/4 小匙

1/4 tsp Soy Sauce 酱油 1/4 小匙

1/4 tsp Sesame Oil 麻油 1/4 小匙

*washed & soaked 预先洗干净,浸泡

If you are concerned about using aluminium foil in steaming,
you can wrap the chicken in cooking paper.

If you are sharing this recipe, kindly attach the link to this blog instead of screen capture/ copy & paste/ use in your blog and claimed it as your recipe! Thank you.


1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Make sure to rub the salt all over the chicken legs.

2. Transfer to an aluminium foil/ cooking paper (double layer). Wrap and seal, keep in the fridge let it marinate for at least 1 hour.

The gravy is so good to pair with rice. 

Steamed Herbal Chicken 
Added some shiitake mushrooms, tastes so good! 
<<Click here>> to watch the cooking video 

3. Return to room temperature, steam in a hot steamer for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through. The steaming time depends on the size of the chicken leg, do adjust accordingly. 
腌好了放置室温,水滚后蒸20-25 分钟或蒸至熟。鸡腿的大小有别,蒸的时间可以自己自行调整。

4. Serve warm with steamed rice.
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Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

Thanks to Jackie Tan and Angelina Lai for trying my recipe :) 

By Pearly Leong

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