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Friday, 29 April 2016

Mango Overnight Oats 芒果隔夜燕麦粥

We all know that there are various health benefits of overnight soaked oats. Over the years, it has become a growing trend across the globe. Here’s sharing a simple recipe that you can prep ahead and wake up to a ready-to-eat breakfast every single morning.

It's easy to make, healthy and filling. Well, although there are thousands of overnight oats recipes online, I only stick to the basic ones that I like. Just milk, vanilla yogurt, chia seeds and rolled oats to pair with fruits. It's simple, no cooking required, just dump everything in the jar, and let it soak overnight in the fridge.


1/4 cup Rolled Oats 燕麦片 1/4 杯

1/3 cup Milk 牛奶 1/3 杯

1/4 cup Vanilla/ Mango Yoghurt 香草味或芒果酸奶1/4杯(不喜欢太稀的,可以用greek酸奶)

1.5 tsp Chia Seeds 奇异子 1.5小匙

1/3 cup Mango (chunks) 芒果 1/3 杯,切小

1.5- 2 tsp Honey 蜜糖 1-2小匙,芒果的甜度有别,蜜糖的份量可以自行调整。

Mango overnight oats with mixed nuts 
Photo updated: Sept 2022

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1. Put all ingredients in a jar, mix well. 

2. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Serve chilled the next morning.

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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Coconut & White Fungus Black Chicken Soup ~Pressure Cooker Recipe 黑鸡椰子银耳汤-清热滋阴,润肺养颜,增强免疫力

A nourishing soup that packed with nutrients, it is especially good for the lungs, improve skin complexion and boost immunity. Make sure to choose the good quality white fungus. 

I am not advertising for Hock Hua, but this is the better quality wild white fungus that I am using.
No weird or sour taste. 

The method that I'm sharing here is pressure cooker method. If you do not have a pressure cooker, just boil and simmer for 2 hours in a conventional pot. If cooking in a slow cooker or double boil, cook for 4 hours. 


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1 Black Chicken (skinless) 

20g White Fungus (soaked, discard water)

1/2 Coconut Flesh (sliced)

1 slice Ginger

5 Seedless Red Dates

1 tbsp Wolfberries 

1 litre Hot Water

 Salt (add to taste, optional)


1. Wash the chicken, immerse in hot boiling water for 5 minutes. Discard the water.

2. Put all ingredients (except salt) in the pressure cooker. I am using 4.5L WMF Perfect Pro pressure cooker.

3. Close with the cover and set the knob to 1.

4. Use medium heat until the cooking indicator rises to the 1st orange ring.

5. Reduce heat to low and let it cook for 30 minutes.

6. When the cooking is over, turn off the heat. Wait till the indicator (orange ring) go down or turn the knob to lock/unlock to release pressure. When there's no more pressure, open the cover.

7. Add some salt to taste. Repeat step 3 to 5, cook for 15 minutes. Continue with step 6.

8. Serve warm.

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Strawberry Overnight Oats 草莓隔夜燕麦粥

I have started overnight oats for quite sometimes and I find it really good. 

~ They're much easier to digest

~ Higher in resistant starch

~ Save my time, no cooking required

~ They're versatile 

It's easy to make, healthy and filling. Well, although there are thousands of overnight oats recipes online, I only stick to the basic one that I like. Just milk, vanilla yoghurt, chia seeds and rolled oats to pair with fruits. Most recipes calls for greek yoghurt but I personally like it more watery, so I use my favourite Dairy Farmers vanilla yoghurt. It's simple, no cooking required, just dump everything in the jar, soak it overnight in the fridge and breakfast is ready! 


1/4 cup Rolled Oats 生燕麦片 1/4 杯(不要用快速燕麦)

1/3 cup Milk 牛奶 1/3 杯

1/4 cup Vanilla Yoghurt 香草味酸奶1/4杯(不喜欢太稀的,可以用greek酸奶)

1.5 tsp Chia Seeds 奇异子 1.5小匙

1/3 cup Strawberries (chunks) 1/3 杯,切小

2 tsp Honey 蜜糖 2小匙

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1. Put all ingredients in a jar, mix well. 

2. Cover and keep in the fridge overnight. Serve chilled.

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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Stuffed Eggplant In Abalone Sauce 鲍鱼汁焖酿茄子

This is definitely my plate of comfort-food. My 7yo didn't like eggplant, so this is only for the 70's babies in my house! 

Stuffed with salted fish, minced meat and fish paste, when pan frying the stuffed eggplants, my whole house smells so good. Added some abalone sauce to further enhance the flavour.  


Eggplant (cut into thick slices, slit in between for filling)


200g Minced Meat

20g Pan Fried Salted Fish 
(pan fry the salted fish with 1 tbsp oil, reserved the oil to add in the minced meat)

Juice of one thumbs size ginger

1/2 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Soy Sauce

2 tsp Oyster Sauce

1/2 tsp Sesame Oil

1/2 tsp Rice Wine


200g Fish Paste

Dash of White Pepper


1 tbsp Abalone Sauce

Sugar and white pepper, add to taste

Some water 

(1tsp Corn flour + 2 tsp water), mix together

Chopped Spring Onion

Some oil for cooking 

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1. Mix all (A) ingredients in a bowl. Stir with a pair of chopsticks in one direction until the mixture is gluey.

2. Stir in (B), continue to stir in one direction until well combined. 

3. Stuff the eggplant with minced meat mixture as shown in the picture.

4. Heat oil in a skillet, pan fry the eggplant until the sides are lightly brown. Add some water 3/4 cover the eggplant, abalone sauce, sugar and white pepper add to taste. Simmer until the eggplant and meat are fully cooked. Stir in corn starch mixture, when the sauce is thicken, turn off heat, garnish with some chopped spring onion and serve warm with rice.

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Monday, 25 April 2016

Steamed Chicken With Chinese Herbs 简易药材蒸鸡

An old recipe of mine was adapted from here. Unlike the steamed herbal chicken served in the restaurant, this home-cooked recipe is rather mild and sweet in taste. Kids will definitely love this! 


2 Chicken Leg (I use free-range/ kampong chicken leg with skin) 鸡腿 2只

*2 inches long Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen) 党参 2寸

*1 small slice Angelica (Dang Gui) 当归1小片

*4 Seedless Red Dates 红枣4粒(去心)

*1/2 tbsp Wolfberries 枸杞子 半汤匙

*1/2 tbsp Yu Zhu 玉竹 半汤匙

3/4 tsp Salt 盐 3/4 小匙

1/4 tsp Soy Sauce 酱油 1/4 小匙

1/4 tsp Sesame Oil 麻油 1/4 小匙

*washed & soaked 预先洗干净,浸泡

If you are concerned about using aluminium foil in steaming,
you can wrap the chicken in cooking paper.

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1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Make sure to rub the salt all over the chicken legs.

2. Transfer to an aluminium foil/ cooking paper (double layer). Wrap and seal, keep in the fridge let it marinate for at least 1 hour.

The gravy is so good to pair with rice. 

Steamed Herbal Chicken 
Added some shiitake mushrooms, tastes so good! 
<<Click here>> to watch the cooking video 

3. Return to room temperature, steam in a hot steamer for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through. The steaming time depends on the size of the chicken leg, do adjust accordingly. 
腌好了放置室温,水滚后蒸20-25 分钟或蒸至熟。鸡腿的大小有别,蒸的时间可以自己自行调整。

4. Serve warm with steamed rice.
If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. 


Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

Thanks to Jackie Tan and Angelina Lai for trying my recipe :) 

By Pearly Leong

By KH Chew

By Tricia Ng

By Nicole Ong

By Jaslin Yoke

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Homemade Salted Black Bean Fish (copycat canned fried dace with salted black beans) 自制豆豉鲮鱼

This is the copycat version of the canned fried dace with salted black beans. This is a classic canned food that I used to eat when I was a kid. It is best to serve with a bowl of warm steamed rice.

Fried dace with salted black beans is originated from GuangZhou in China. In the past, many Chinese from the Pearl River Delta region needed to go to Southeast Asia to work. They would fry the dace, preserve it with salted black beans and bring it with them because they were not used to eating foreign food.The tradition gradually transformed into a canned food business. 

The essential ingredients in the canned product namely fresh dace, salted black beans, vegetable oil, sugar, soybean sauce, salt and spices. The dace preserved in vegetable oil, it tasted well seasoned with black beans and flavoured with savoury spices. Well, these are the one 'listed' on the label, but there are some hidden ingredients that you and me wouldn't know........ In 2005, the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department tested 26 samples of food, in which some of the samples of the canned fried dace with salted black beans were tested positive for malachite green, a carcinogenic chemical. (source: from wikipedia)

This is what we all should be aware of! I never eat this for more than 20 years as I never cook when I started to work and I never cook canned food when I started to cook for my little one. Until I found this recipe from the China site a year ago, I was so eager to try out the recipe. However, it required 8 hours of continuous simmering. Therefore, it has been sitting in my 'to-do-list' until I got my pressure cooker. Pressure cooker shorten cooking time by 70%, so I decided to give it a try and I'm glad that the outcome was good! 


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6 Dace 
(I can't get dace here in the nearby neighbourhood market, so I used red snapper/hong ge li)


4 slices Ginger

100g Salted Black Beans (washed, soaked and drain)

4 tbsp Rice Wine

1 tbsp Soy Sauce

1 tbsp Dark Soy Sauce

3 tbsp Rock Sugar or add to taste

12 tbsp Water or more


1. Wash the fish, rub the fish with some salt. Pat dry and let it marinate for 30 minutes. 

2. Deep fry the fish until crispy. This step is essential! Make sure to deep fry until the bones are crispy. 

3. Heat some oil in a skillet, fry the ginger until fragrant. Stir in black beans, cook until fragrant. Add in rice wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rock sugar and 6 tbsp water. Bring to boil and simmer until the sugar dissolve.

4. Add in the fried fish, stir to coat. Turn off heat.

~ If using conventional pot, add water to cover the fish, simmer with med-high heat for 2 hours, turn to low heat, simmer for 6 hours. This is what indicated in the original recipe~

 5. Fill up 1/3 water in a WMF Perfect Pro 4.5L pressure cooker. Place the steam rack in the pot. Line the steaming tray with 3 layers of aluminium foil. Transfer the fish and sauce onto the foil, as shown in the picture. 

6. Add 2 tbsp water, close with the cover and set the knob to 1. Use medium heat until the cooking indicator rises to the 1st orange ring. Reduce heat to low and let it cook for 15 minutes. 

7. Set the knob to lock/unlock to release pressure or wait until the orange ring to go back down. When there's no more pressure, open the cover and flip the fish. 

8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until the fish is soft. My total cooking time is 45 minutes to soften the fish, until the bones are soft and edible, just like the canned one!

If you like my recipe, click herefollow my facebook page to receive more recipe updates. 

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