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Saturday, 11 October 2014

Hong Kong Pineapple Bun aka Polo Bun, Plain 香港菠萝包

This is the bread that I like most, also my family's favourite :) When I first started making Polo Bun, I used Water Roux (TangZhong) method. Nowadays I hardly use TangZhong method because I find it too troublesome, just saving this recipe here for my record. My version of polo crust is without the use of ammonia bicarbonate and lard. Trust me, just butter is good enough and you will never regret making this. The bread is soft and the crust is super delicious. 

Other's Polo Bun Recipe:
Hong Kong Polo Bun, baked without an oven, Air-fryer Method
Cute Little Turtle Pork Floss Polo Bun
Bee/ Beehives Polo Bun

Baked Polo Bun filled with BBQ Pork/ Char Siu.
<<Click Here>> to get the Homemade Char Siu Filling Recipe 

Recipe 食谱:

To prepare TangZhong/ water roux:
25g Bread Flour
1/2 cup or 120ml Water/ Milk

1. Put the flour into a saucepan. Stir in water/ milk, mix well until no more lumps.

2. Cook with low heat, continuously stirring until it's thickened and when stirring with the spoon to the bottom, the line appeared, as shown in the picture below.

3. Remove from heat. Transfer to a bowl and cover with cling wrap. Set aside to cool. This will make about 120g of TangZhong.

To Prepare Polo Crust Dough: (For 6 buns or more, depending on the thickness)

30g Butter (Cold, cut into small cubes)
35g Icing Sugar (can be increased to 45g for a sweeter crust)
60g Cake Flour
2 tsp Milk Powder
12g Egg (Lightly Beaten)

1. Sift icing sugar, cake flour and milk powder into a bowl.

2. Add in cold butter cubes, mix with hand.

3. Add in egg, form a dough. DO NOT over-knead the dough.

4. Shape into a flattened ball, wrap with cling wrap, chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. The weight of the dough is about 125g-130g.

To Prepare Bread Dough: (Make 6 buns)
175g Bread Flour
40g Castor Sugar
2g Salt
5g Milk Powder
1 tsp Instant Dry Yeast
28g Egg (lightly beaten)
60g TangZhong/ Water Roux
63ml Milk

15g Unsalted Butter (Softened to room temperature)

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1. In a mixer bowl, mix (A) ingredients. Make a well, add in (B) except butter. 

2. Mix all ingredients. When all ingredients come together, knead in butter. Continue kneading until the dough passes the membrane test.

The dough is 'elastic' at this stage
3. Cover with cling wrap and let it proof double in size. About an hour.

4. Deflate and divide the dough into 6, about 60g each. Let it rest for 15 minutes. Knead each dough into ball shapes. (Optional: add some butter in the dough for a more buttery bun). 

5. Remove the crust dough from the fridge. Divide into 6, cover with cling wrap, use a plate, flatten the crust dough and place the crust dough onto the bread dough. Optional: Use a pizza cutter/ knife, slit some pineapple pattern on top. 

6. Place on the lined baking tray. Let it proof double in size, about an hour. Egg wash.

7. Bake without oven - Bake 130'C 15mins, 160'C 3mins. 

Air-fryer Hong Kong Polo Bun/ Pineapple Bun  


8. B
ake in a preheated oven 180'C for 15-20 minutes. 
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By readers, some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Tricia Ng

Adorable polo bun by thebentomama, using this recipe.

By thebentomama

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