Drying chilies is an ideal way to preserve the leftover for future use, it's very versatile and useful in our daily cooking. Dehydrated foods are without preservatives and it's more hygienic when making them at home.
Red Chilies
1. Wash and pat dry the chilies. Cut off the stems, arrange the chilies on the crispier basket or dehydrator rack.
2. DEHYDRATE 8 hours. You can do this at night and "harvest" the dried foods the next morning. Do adjust the dehydrating time according to the size of the chilies. 若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。If you like my recipe, click here, LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed.