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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Oil-free Mini Egg Biscuit 无油迷你鸡蛋饼干

Plain. Roll with slightly wet hands, the surface is smooth.

Mini Egg Biscuit with Blackcurrant, I was in a rush, just rolled out everything without wetting my hands constantly. Got a little crack here and there... This batch are so crunchy that I can't stop munching!

No Oil, No Butter..... one of my favorite no-guilt snack! 

These biscuits are crunchy if you made them small, slightly chewy in the middle if you made them a little bigger. These biscuits were made without oil and butter, so do not expect it to melt in your mouth like butter cookies. :) 

Ingredients: 材料


1 Egg (lightly beaten) 鸡蛋 1粒 ,打散


75g Milk Powder 奶粉 75克

40g Icing Sugar (Can be reduced for less sweet biscuit) 糖粉 40克,不爱吃甜的可以减少份量

10g Corn Flour 玉米粉 10克

100g Potato Starch 马铃薯粉 100克

Blackcurrant or any dried fruits (optional) 黑加仑果干/葡萄干/其它干果,随意,不放也可以

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Method: 步骤

1. Add (A) in a bowl. Sift in (B). Mix well with a pair of chopsticks. Add dried fruits and mix until it form a pliable dough.

2. Slightly wet your hands so the dough won't stick on your hands. Roll out the dough and shape the dough into small balls. The smaller balls (like m&m with peanut size) are very crunchy and bigger ones are a little chewy in the middle. 

3. Bake in a preheated oven 170'C for 15 minutes or lightly brown.  Let it cool on the rack. Store in an airtight container.

If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow my facebook page to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. Enjoy!

Plain, baked 15 minutes. A little chewy in the middle.

Baked 15 minutes, I forgot to remove it from oven. Turned out darker brown. lol.. very very crunchy!

Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Karin Lim
By MoonMoon Foo

By MoonMoon Foo

Oven Baked Prawn Paste Chicken 烤虾酱鸡(免油炸)

Prawn paste chicken aka Har Cheong Gai was introduced by the hubby in a not so healthy way, he packed the prawn paste fried chicken for my supper. Deep fried with oil, loaded with oil but I really love the flavour! The only way to fulfill my craving but not consuming so much oil from deep fried is.... home cooked!

I have 2 healthier cooking and less oil method - oven baked and air fried. Both methods uses much lesser oil compared to deep fried. I personally preferred the air fried method because the cooking time is shorter and air-fry method helps to extract the oil from the chicken (those fat under the skin). For air fried method, click here for recipe. 

This was my first attempt back in year 2014.
Used chicken thigh, the skin is crispy and the meat is juicy! 


400g Chicken Wings or thighs/ drumstick with skin 鸡翅膀/鸡腿 400克

Seasoning: 腌料

1 tbsp Shrimp paste 虾酱 1汤匙

1 tbsp Oyster Sauce 蚝油 1汤匙

1/2 tbsp Shao Xing Hua Tiao Cooking Wine 绍兴花雕酒 1/2汤匙

Some White Pepper 胡椒粉 适量

1 tsp Sesame Oil 麻油 1小匙

1 heap tsp Corn Flour 玉米粉/粟粉 1小匙满


Some Corn Flour for coating 玉米粉/粟粉 适量

Cooking Spray or cooking oil 油 适量

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1. Mix all seasoning in a bowl. 

2. Add chicken and mix well with hand. Do a little massage to the chicken. (I normally wear glove when handling raw meat and seasoning). Cover and let marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight for best flavor! 

3. Remove from fridge. Coat the chicken with corn flour. Place onto a lined baking tray. Let it sit for 30 minutes or until return to room temperature.

4. Spray some cooking spray all over (or brush with a thin layer of oil). Bake in a preheated oven 210'C for about 25 minutes until golden brown and crisp. Serve warm.

If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. 


By readers, from those who have tried this recipe:

Feedback from Tan SK

By Kelley Yeong

By Kelley Yeong


Air Fried Crispy Prawn Paste Chicken 虾酱炸鸡 (气炸)

I like crispy fried food with great flavor and here's another of my favorite dish - Shrimp Paste aka Prawn Paste Fried Chicken. I have 2 methods cooking this flavorful dish using much lesser oil compared to the usual deep-fried chicken - oven-baked and air fried. 

The method that I often use is air fried because the cooking time is shorter and the chicken is less oily compared to oven-baked chicken. The air fry method helps to extract the fat underneath the chicken skin. 

Air-Crisp ~ Fried Prawn Paste Chicken Drumstick

Air-Crisp ~ Fried Prawn Paste Chicken Wings

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5 Chicken Drumstick 

Cooking Spray or cooking oil 


2 tbsp Shrimp paste/ Prawn paste

2 tbsp Oyster Sauce

1 tbsp Shao Xing Hua Tiao Cooking Wine

1/2 tsp  White Pepper 

1/2 tbsp Sesame Oil

1 tsp Cornflour plus more for coating 

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1. Mix all marinade ingredients in a bowl. 

2. Add chicken and mix well. Cover and let marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.

3. Remove chicken from the fridge. Coat the chicken with cornflour. 

4. Air fry 180'C for 20 minutes or till cooked through. Serve right away. Note: Spray a little oil on the basket and chicken before air frying. If cooking a bigger portion, adjust the cooking time accordingly.
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Monday, 29 December 2014

Soft Chocolate Bun with Nutella 松软巧克力馅面包

Rudolph & Bears 

'Rudolph the red nose reindeer, drop his nose in my oven...' lol.... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 

Another super soft bread that I baked on Christmas night after my boy went to bed. Just like the Yoghurt Bread that I made previously, these bread are very soft and it never turn hard even on the third day. 

In this blog post, I'll only share the chocolate bread recipe but not the custard topping because my 'custard experiment' failed this time. 

Before bake.

After baked. 


220g Bread Flour

40g Cake Flour

10g Cocoa Powder

About 1 tsp Instant Yeast

70g Castor Sugar

Pinch of Salt


180ml Fresh Milk

30g Unsalted Butter


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1. In a mixer bowl, mix (A) ingredients. Make a well, add in (B) except butter. 

2. Mix all ingredients. When all ingredients come together, knead in butter. Continue kneading until the dough passes the membrane test.

3. Cover with cling wrap and let it proof doubled in size. About an hour.

4. Deflate and divide dough to make 9 balls. Let it rest for 15 minutes. Add Nutella fillings. Shape as desired. Sprinkle some water and let it proof about 1 hour. 

5. Bake in a preheated oven 170'C for 15 minutes. If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. Enjoy!

Braised Oxtail & Carrot in Chu Hou Paste 柱侯酱焖红萝卜牛尾

Photo updated 5 January 2015, Added some carrots and potatoes, garnished with chinese coriander. I forgot to add star anise today, still taste good :)

Added some carrots, garnished with spring onion

Tender and delicious! 

I seldom cook beef at home because I do not like to touch beef. It's the smell that I don't like....but, I found a way that I do not need to touch the beef. :) Get the FROZEN one! lol...

I bought a packet of frozen oxtail that I planned to cook sup buntut (aka indonesian style oxtail soup) but I'm not in the mood of cooking something complicated today. So I changed my mind and cook this simple yet very time consuming braised oxtail in chu hou paste. Trust me, the oxtail tastes superb with Chu Hou paste. 

I normally use slow cooker to braise meat but I find it very oily sometimes. For cooking oxtail, I'd prefer to use a pot which is easier to remove oil on the surface. You could hardly see OIL floating in my pot of braised oxtail. :P

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660g Frozen Oxtail (thawed to room temperature)
3 slices Ginger

2 Small Onion (sliced)
4 slices Ginger
1/2 Star Anise (optional)

Star Anise
4-5 pcs Small Rock Sugar
2 medium size Carrot (peeled and cut into chunks)
Some Spring Onion/ Chinese Coriander

2 tbsp Chu Hou Paste

1 tbsp Oyster Sauce

1 tsp Soy Sauce

1. Boil oxtail with 3 slices of ginger in a pot for 2 minutes. Drain and set aside.

2. Heat oil in a skillet, cook small onion and ginger until fragrant. 

3. Add in Chu Hou paste and oxtail. Stir to combined. Add some boiling water and transfer to a pot. Add in star anise and rock sugar. Bring to boil, cover and simmer for 1 hour.
4. Turn off heat and let it rest for 15 minutes. 
5. Add in oyster sauce and soy sauce. Cook another 1 hour and repeat step 4.

6. Add in carrot. Cook another 1 hour or until the gravy is thicken and the oxtail is tender. Stir in spring onion/ chinese coriander and serve warm with steamed rice.

Photo updated 5 January 2015, we finished everything except the bones and ginger! lol...

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