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Monday, 30 November 2015

Air-fried Crispy Kale Chips 香脆羽衣甘蓝

These leafy greens are very high in antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C. Kale is packed with nutrients that benefit our health. 

Kale itself doesn't really taste good, it tastes a little bitter. So seasoning is a MUST when making these green chips. And, the most important part is to cook until crispy. Here's a video to show the texture of my air-fried kale chips. 

If you can achieve this texture, your kale chips are successful and it's gonna be super delicious. Otherwise, it would turn out bitter and chewy. If you have a picky eater that doesn't like vegetables, you can give this a try. This is something that my son would munch and munch without me reminding him to EAT THE GREENS ;)


Simple breakfast with homemade kale chips
Photo updated: Nov 2024

Ingredients: 材料

100g Kale (discard the stems) 羽衣甘蓝 100克

Seasoning: 调味料

1/2 tsp Pepper Salt 椒盐 半小匙

Some Olive Oil/ Cooking Oil 油 适量

Crispy kale chips served with Tortilla wrap for the kiddo's breakfast.
Photo updated: Dec 2023

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Method: 步骤 

1. Place kale in the air-fryer basket.

2. Drizzle some oil, add the rest of the seasoning ingredients.

3. Gently toss with hands.

4. Air-fry 160'C for 6-8 minutes or until crisp, serve right away. 
盖上,气炸6-8分钟或至香脆,即可享用。若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Nutella Filled Pancakes 煎松饼(Nutella馅)

If you are following my post on Facebook, you'll know my house is on a pancake craze lately. We had been eating pancakes for breakfast for weeks! Food that I had been cooking again and again, I'd make it in all kinds of flavours. The latest craze was Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes (click here for recipe), strawberry and Ribena pancakes. Perhaps that's the reason why my boy asking for the same food (yet not the same taste) again and again ;D 

This time I made something similar to Mr. Bean pancakes. Well, actually none of us like the Mr. Bean version. I only imitate the look, not the taste. My version was filled with Nutella, the top and bottom crust are crispy, with the runny Nutella oozing out! Yummlicious to the MAX! but I must warn you before you get started, this method need some skill and patience to achieve this result. Not recommended for a beginner home cook ;) 


Here's the picture to show the method:

Click here to choose a basic pancake recipe. Happy cooking ;) 

Charcoal Baguette 碳粉法国面包

I don't expect a 'WOW' from the audience who saw this picture. But I can expect a 'WOW' from the taster who tasted this baguette! The look is deceiving, the taste is seriously delicious! Crispy crust with a soft and slightly chewy bread inside. My boy and I finished one loaf right after I snap this picture. We ate it plain without anything else! Simply delicious ;)

Ingredients: Yield 4 medium baguette

500g Baguette Flour 

1 tsp Salt

10g Castor Sugar

1.5 tsp Instant Yeast

370g Water (adjust accordingly)

2 tsp Charcoal Powder

3 tbsp Oil

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1. In a stand mixer, mix all dry ingredients except charcoal powder. (Kitchenaid speed 1)

2. Mix in water (Speed 1). Knead for 20 minutes (Speed 2). Stop the mixer, carefully add in charcoal powder, continue to knead for another 5 minutes. Gradually add in oil. Knead another 5 minutes until the dough is glossy and elastic. 

3. Cover with cling wrap. Let it proof for 60 minutes or doubled in size.

4. Transfer to a floured work top. The dough is very sticky, make sure to use generous amount of flour to handle the dough.

5. Divide dough into 4 portions. Shape as desired. I didn't slit the dough, I made it twisted instead. Place on a lined baking tray. I don't have baguette tray, so I used aluminium foil to divide the baguette. 

6. Cover with cling wrap. Let it proof for 30minutes. 

7. Bake in a preheated oven 200'C for 20 minutes.

Monday, 23 November 2015

The Best Heat Cough Remedy - Pear & Honey Dates Sweet Soup 蜜枣雪梨水 - 清热除痰, 润燥止咳,适合身体燥热, 喉干口渴, 咳嗽时痰多/ 痰黄

Hmm... let me simplified the Chinese explanation on the title. This is the remedy for:

~ cough with thick and yellow phlegm

~ Dry Throat ( When I had sore throat, I feel better after drinking this soup. It soothe my throat.)

~ Reduce body heat

~ Prevent/ helps to soothe cough. 

However, do not drink this for 'cold cough'. This remedy only works for 'heat cough'. If you are not sure what cough you've got, visit a doctor ;)

Well, all the above are based on my personal experience. No scientific proof. I had been taking care of my boy since day 1 he was born, so I know what is good for him. Every individual is different, do your own judgement or consult a doctor if you have cough. 

When my boy was younger, he didn't like this drink. Probably it's the taste of the honey dates. But now he's growing up and understand that when he cough, he needs to drink this to stop the cough. He never reject this drink anymore. 

If you don't like honey date taste, click here for the recipe cooked without honey dates. 


6 Honey Dates (or 8 honey dates if omit figs) 

3 US Figs 三粒无花果

3 - 4 Asian Pears 三至四粒雪梨(似乎大小,自己衡量)

Handful of Chinese Almond (Nan Bei Xing) 少许南北杏仁

1.5 Litre Water 热水

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1. Add in all ingredients in a slow cooker. Cook with high heat for 4 hours. Serve warm or chilled.


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Thursday, 19 November 2015

Lotus Root, Sweet Corn & Peanut Pork Ribs Soup 玉米花生莲藕汤-滋补,开胃清热,营养价值高

Nourishing and nutritious home-style soup use only simple ingredients. Kids love this soup for its natural sweetness. 


Ingredients: (Yield 2-3 servings)

300g Pork Ribs 排骨 300克

1 section/ 200g Lotus Roots (peeled and cut into chunks) 莲藕 200克,去皮,切厚片

1 Sweet Corn 玉米 1条,切段

40g Peanuts (soaked and drain) 花生 40克,浸泡,滤干

5 Seedless Red Dates 红枣 5粒

Some salt to taste 盐 适量

Note: Add 1pc of dried cuttlefish for greater flavour. 可以随意加一片鱿鱼干,味道会更浓郁。如果煮给幼童喝的,可免。

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1. Rinse the ribs with hot boiling water. Transfer to a pot. Add in the rest of the ingredients except salt.

2. Add 2L hot water, bring to boil. Cook with high heat for 30 minutes. Reduce heat and simmer for 60 minutes.

3. Add salt to taste, cook another 30 minutes. Serve warm.

If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. Enjoy!

Friday, 13 November 2015

Cinnamon Butter Sugar Swirl Pancakes 肉桂糖卷松饼

Pancake with cinnamon butter sugar swirl. Crisp on the outside, soft and sweet on the inside.  This simple pancake recipe is great for holiday/ weekend breakfast. No syrup is needed, these pancakes are easy to make and taste awesome!

There are 2 ways to serve these delicious pancakes. 

Option 1: Serve the pancakes right away. Crisp, spongy and delicious.

Option 1, made without glaze.
Photo updated on 11 March 2017

Option 2: Make the glaze, drizzle over the pancakes. Serve it this way if you like sweet pancakes. ;)

Option 2, with glaze.
Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes with my son's favourite 'Eating Plant'. 

Don't ask me what is that, I got the idea from his drawing ;)
Created in November 2015.

I have many pancake recipes shared in this blog, if you like to have something different from your ordinary pancakes with maple syrup, this is the recipe you MUST try! 

 I made Cinnamon Roll Pancakes for breakfast, my boy said this is still one of his favourites!
Photo updated: Nov 2024



Pancake batter:

For pancake recipes, I have the healthiest, simplest or buttermilk options, you may choose from here. On a lazy weekend morning, I normally use the simplest method, click here for recipe. Omit sugar in pancake batter, just add a pinch of salt. Alternatively, you can use pancake mix, just add on the cinnamon swirl. ;)

Cinnamon Swirl:

30g Unsalted Butter (softened)

35g Brown Sugar

1 tsp Ground Cinnamon

Glaze: Optional

4 tbsp Icing Sugar

15g Unsalted Butter (softened)

Some Hot Water

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1. Prepare the cinnamon filling - Mix together all cinnamon swirl ingredients in a bowl. Transfer to a piping bag, snip a small hole at the tip of the piping bag. 

2. Prepare and cook the pancakes as indicated. When the bubbles appear on the pancake, add the filling. 

3. Start from the centre of the pancake, squeeze the filling in a swirl pattern. 

4. Let it cook for a minute or until the bottom is lightly brown, flip the pancake and continue to cook until both sides are nicely brown, caramelise and crisp.

5. Transfer the pancake to a serving plate. Wipe the pan with kitchen towel, repeat for the rest. Serve right away. 
Optional: Prepare the glaze - Mix icing sugar and butter in a bowl. Gradually add in hot water (little by little) until you get the desired consistency. Drizzle over the pancake and serve warm.若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。
If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook page or follow us on Instagram: mfa_dingoozatfood  to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed. 

Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Rosalind Ang

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