
Thursday 20 February 2020

Cute Totoro Bread With Custard Filling 龙猫造型卡士达馅菠萝包

Made these cute Totoro bread for my son who loves Totoro. It's our favourite Hong Kong Style Pineapple Bun aka Polo Bun,  with Homemade Custard fillings.  This combination is super duper delicious!

This was how the Totoro bun looks like before bake...
The sweet and creamy custard fillings... so yummy! 

Click the link below to view full recipes 点击链接进入食谱: 

<Hong Kong Style Pineapple Bun aka Polo Bun 港式菠萝包食谱 >

< Homemade Custard Recipe 卡士达馅/吉士酱食谱 >

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