
Wednesday 2 October 2019

Chocolate Swirl Soft Bread 巧克力大理石软面包卷

This is one of our favourite bread ~ Chocolate Swirl Soft Bread 巧克力大理石软面包卷. When my boy was younger, I used to buy this bread from a Japanese bakery. My boy called it Zebra Bun because those from the bakery normally with a lighter colour, the chocolate stripes look like a black and white pattern, plus some imagination, he sees zebra :D Well, that was many years ago... Now, it's been a long time I never buy this bread because I can bake my own. 

This bread is so soft and buttery with rich chocolate flavour. My boy loves the homemade version a lot, when he was younger (during P1 and P2), he always packed this to eat during school recess and we have to pack some extras for his good friend who always eyeing his food :P

Homemade Chocolate Rolls
Photo updated: June 2023


Bread Recipe adapted from here

45g Sugar 细砂糖 45克

1/2 tsp Salt 盐 1/2 小匙

100g Water 水 100克

80g Cold Milk 冷牛奶 80克

45g Unsalted Butter (Softened) 牛油 45克,软化

15g Milk Powder 奶粉 15克

250g Bread Flour 高筋面粉 250克

25g Cake Flour 低筋面粉 25克

1+ 1/2 tsp Instant Dry Yeast 即溶酵母 1+ 1/2 小匙

Chocolate Fillings:

50g Chocolate (melted) 巧克力 50克

20g Unsalted Butter (melted) 无盐牛油 20克

20g Bread Flour 高筋面粉 20克

2 tbsp Cocoa Powder 可可粉 2汤匙

1 tbsp Corn Flour 玉米粉/粟粉 1汤匙

60g Milk  牛奶 60克

20g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 20克

1 Egg White 蛋白 1粒


Use the remaining egg yolk + 1tbsp milk for egg wash 剩下的1粒蛋黄+1汤匙牛奶

Some Sesame Seeds 芝麻 适量

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Method: 步骤

1. Take out bread barrel from bread maker machine. Install the stirring rod. Add Milk > Water> Castor Sugar > Salt> Butter > Milk Powder> Flour > Yeast into bread barrel. 

2. Return bread barrel into bread maker, press bread barrel down, turn it by clockwise and make sure it is installed firmly. Select <#11 DOUGH > , press < START >.
安装好后按键选择 《#11 DOUGH》,按 《START》。

3. When the dough is ready, grab a small portion of dough, do the windowpane test. If the dough is ready, continue with step 4, otherwise, repeat step 2.  

4. Let the dough proof for 1 hour or double in size.

5. Meanwhile, prepare chocolate fillings: Add milk and sugar into sifted dry ingredients (bread flour, cocoa powder and corn flour). Add in melted butter and chocolate, mix in egg white. Cook on low heat, constantly stir till thick and pliable, cover with cling wrap, roll out and freeze till set.

6. When the bread dough is ready, roll out the dough. Cover with cling wrap and let it rest for 10 minutes.

7. Roll out the dough into a large square, place the chocolate dough in the middle. wrap and seal with bread dough. 

8. Roll out the dough into a rectangle shape and make 3 fold in.

9. Repeat step 8, roll out the dough. Cut the dough into small triangle shapes, roll up each triangle into a croissant shape. 

10. Let it proof for an hour or doubled in size. Egg wash, sprinkle some sesame seeds on top, bake in a preheated oven at 180'C for about 15 minutes or till golden brown. Remove from oven, let the bread cool on rack and enjoy!
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