
Friday 9 October 2015

Beetroot Jelly (all natural colour) 甜菜根果冻(纯天然色素)

Happy Children's Day to all the children in the world! 

Have you ever thought of using beetroot to make jelly? Me, NOT! but I bought a beetroot last week, planned to use it in baking but my boy requested a Sun Cake instead and specified that he wants a chocolate cake. 

So I got to think of way to use up this beetroot before it turn rotten. No time for soup, stepped into my storeroom and found a packet of premix jelly powder. Alright, then I go for the easiest... JELLY :) 

I didn't take any photo in the making because this was my first experiment with beetroot jelly, not sure how it'll turn out. Well, actually the main reason is - I was multitasking, baking cake and making jelly at the same time! My boy was busy watching Chip N Dale, I must quickly finish my work in the kitchen before his show finished! 

Surprisingly, it turned out nice and my boy who hates beetroot likes it.... probably is because there's no beetroot taste in the jelly. Yes, you won't know what it made of if  I don't tell you.... ;) 


1 packet of Konnyaku Collagen Jelly Powder (175g) 果冻粉

70g Beetroot Juice 甜菜根汁
(extract from beetroot, grate/ blend the beetroot to get the juice, no water added) 

430g Water 水

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1. Heat all ingredients in a pot, stir constantly, bring to boil. 


2. When the powder fully dissolved, turn off heat and pour the jelly mixture in the prepared jelly mould. Let it cool completely and keep in the fridge. 


3. Serve chilled. 

待凉后放进冰箱。即可! 若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。

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