
Friday 3 July 2020

Baileys Slit-top Chiffon Cake 百利甜酒戚风蛋糕【烫面雪纺蛋糕】

Thanks to Baileys for sending over my favourite Baileys Irish Cream for me to experiment in my baking. Although this is my all times favourite liqueur, I never use it in my baking before. So I started off with this slit-top chiffon cake using Baileys as main ingredient, glad it turned out perfect without affecting the texture, so moist, fluffy and spongy with nice Baileys aroma. We're indeed love this delicious cake, it's super indulgent with a dollop of fresh cream and cherry on top, the hubby who's not a fan of desserts and cakes gives a big thumbs-up.

Unlike traditional chiffon cake that we used to bake in tube pans, this chiffon cake is baked in a normal round pan with slit top to have a nice controlled cracked top, need not worried about volcano-like cracked top. ;)

This recipe yield light, fluffy and spongy texture with nice aroma from the Baileys Irish Cream flavour. Watch the video below to see the texture of this cake. 


35g Cooking Oil 花生油 35克

50g Cake Flour 低筋面粉 50克

55g Baileys Irish Cream 百利甜酒 55克

3 Egg Yolk 蛋黄 3粒

3 Egg White 蛋白 3粒

1/8 tsp Cream Of Tartar 1/8小匙塔塔粉

55g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 55克

10g Corn Flour 玉米粉/粟粉 10克

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1. Heat oil in a saucepan, when temperature reach 80'C, remove from heat. Sift in flour, mix well.

2. Add in Baileys Irish Cream, mix well.

3. Add in egg yolk, mix well.

4. In a mixing bowl, beat egg white and cream of tartar until foamy, beat in sugar gradually. Sift in corn flour, beat until stiff and glossy.

5. Fold the meringue into the yolk mixture in 3 batches. 

6. Pour the batter to a 6" baking pan. Spread the batter evenly. Gently tap 2-3 times on the worktop.  

7. Bake in a preheated oven on 2nd lowest rack, 170'c for 12 minutes. Remove the cake from the oven, slit the cake with a knife. Return to oven and bake another 30 minutes. 

Every oven is different, do adjust the baking temperature and time accordingly.

8. When it's ready, remove from oven, gently tap 1-2 times on the worktop. Invert to cool completely before un-mould the cake, slice and enjoy!
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