
Thursday 2 May 2019

Chocolate Chips Coconut Milk Muffins 椰香巧克力豆麦芬

Simple but flavoursome Chocolate Chips Coconut Milk Muffins filled with coconut flavour from coconut milk, coconut oil and grated coconut. 

The texture is moist and soft with a crisp top. These muffins stay soft at room temperature for days. Can be served at room temperature or heated up before serving (if you like a crisp crusty top).

Ingredients: Yield 5-6 muffins 


1 Egg 鸡蛋 1粒

100g Sugar 细砂糖 100克

60g Coconut Milk 椰浆/椰奶 60克

65g Coconut Oil/ Cooking Oil 椰子油/菜油 65克

1 tsp Vanilla Extract 香草精 1小匙


125g Cake Flour 低筋面粉 125克

1/2 tsp Baking Powder 发粉 1/2小匙

1/2 tsp Baking Soda 小苏打 1/2小匙


Chocolate Chips 35g 巧克力豆/巧克力碎 35克

Optional: 2-3 tbsp grated coconut  可以随意添加 2-3 汤匙椰丝/椰蓉

I personally love muffins filled with grated coconut, the texture is great.
However, when baking for my son's school snack,
I omitted grated coconut because the little one preferred plain coconut milk muffins with chocolate chips.

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1. Preheat oven 180'C.
预热烤箱 180度。

2. Mix (A) in a bowl. Sift in (B) in another bowl. 
把材料 (A) 搅拌均匀,材料(B)过筛。

3. Pour (A) into (B), mix well with a hand whisk. Do not over-mix the batter.
把 (A) 加入 (B),搅拌均匀。不要过度搅拌,不然麦芬会变硬。

4. Add in chocolate chips (and grated coconut, if using), mix well.

5. Pour the batter evenly into muffin cups. Bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes or until cooked through. 
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By readers, some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By missionbake

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